ECCE Scheme

Early Childhood experiences form the building blocks for our children’s future. Gate Childcare believes that the first five years of life are particularly important to a child’s development. This is when children develop basic learning patterns and abilities that they will use for the rest of their lives.

The ECCE Scheme Ireland or The Early Childhood Care & Education Scheme (ECCE) provides one year “free” Pre-school education to every child in Ireland aged between 3 years 2 months and 4 years 6 months on 1st September of each year they will be starting. A PPS number for your child is required to process your application along with additional documents.

The free pre-school year in Gate Childcare is currently 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, over 38 weeks. Additional hours are not covered within the ECCE scheme but the choice is there for parents/guardians to pay for extra hours if required.

If children are currently attending full days or long hours within Gate Childcare then the subsidy received from the state for the ECCE scheme will be deducted from their fees between September and June inclusive.

If your child is over the eligibility age requirement due to special needs they may be able to get an exemption from the upper age limit for the ECCE Scheme and or spread the ECCE free preschool year over a two year period. Please contact the Department of Children and Youth Affairs for more information.