Our staff are key to the success of Gate Childcare. Supportive and encouraging caregivers provide children with appropriate interaction and intervention and ensure your child’s experience is always positive.
At Gate Childcare our staff have obtained Fetac Level 5 and 6 qualifications in childcare and have Garda clearance.
All staff have access to ongoing professional development training to ensure we are kept up-to-date in all Childcare developments.
Gate Childcare is fully compliant with all aspects of the Childcare Act, 1991, and the Childcare Act, 2006, including providing correct staff ratios for all age groups.
Gate Childcare is regulated by the HSE.
We are also a member of Early Childhood Ireland.
All staff are trained in Siolta, the National Quality Framework, and Aistear, the National Curriculum Framework.
Staff work in partnership with parents at all times.